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Gene Review

wl  -  wabbler-lethal

Mus musculus

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Disease relevance of wl

  • Qualitative light and ultrastructural pathology in wl/wl animals conformed to the criteria of primary axonal (Wallerian) degeneration [1].

High impact information on wl

  • Homozygous wabbler-lethal (wl) and wasted (wst) showed hyposensitivity which for the latter may be connected with enhanced cell killing [2].
  • In the optic nerve of wl/wl mice, axonal degeneration preceded myelin disruption, adding this nerve to other previously reported systems undergoing Wallerian degeneration in this mutant [1].
  • Optic nerve pathology was studied in C57BL/6J wabbler-lethal (wl/wl) and control (+/+) mice at postnatal age of 4 weeks (P28) [1].

Anatomical context of wl

  • Still, degenerating axons surrounded by somewhat normal myelin and axons with thickened myelin sheaths were prevalent in wl/wl mice [1].


  1. Wallerian degeneration in the optic nerve of the wabbler-lethal (wl/wl) mouse. Carroll, E.W., Curtis, R.L., Sullivan, D.A., Melvin, J.L. Brain Res. Bull. (1992) [Pubmed]
  2. A search for radiosensitive mouse mutants by use of the micronucleus technique. van Buul, P.P., Tuinenburg-Bolraap, A., Searle, A.G., Natarajan, A.T. Mutat. Res. (1987) [Pubmed]
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