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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Use of adjuvants for enhancement of rectal absorption of cefoxitin in humans.

The biological availability of cefoxitin administered rectally in the form of suppositories was examined in six human subjects by a cross-over design. Four different suppository systems containing adjuvants expected to enhance the absorption of the drug were studied. The presence of sodium salicylate and a nonionic surface-active agent, Brij 35, gave increased bioavailability as high as 20% compared with 3% for a system without adjuvants. The quantity of sodium salicylate was found to have an influence on the quantity of cefoxitin absorbed, and the salicylate was absorbed over an extended period of time from the rectum. The suppositories were well tolerated, and there were no adverse effects on bowel flora.[1]


  1. Use of adjuvants for enhancement of rectal absorption of cefoxitin in humans. Davis, S.S., Burnham, W.R., Wilson, P., O'Brien, J. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (1985) [Pubmed]
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