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Chemical Compound Review

Cimagel     2-dodecoxyethanol

Synonyms: Laureth, Thesat, Thesit, atoxysclerol, Dodecylglycol, ...
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Disease relevance of Laureth


Psychiatry related information on Laureth


High impact information on Laureth

  • The non-stimulated (basal) adenylate cyclase from bovine brain cortical membranes was purified 10 000-fold to apparent homogeneity by Lubrol PX extraction and two cycles of affinity chromatography on forskolin-agarose [7].
  • Neutrophils treated with the nonionic detergent Lubrol PX, under controlled conditions, yield intact detergent-insoluble ghosts [8].
  • The protein could be extracted in an active form by rupturing the cells with lysozyme and sonication or with a passage through a French pressure cell and incubating the inclusion bodies and membranous structures with detergent (Lubrol PX or deoxycholate) in the presence of Q or S Sepharose ion-exchange resin for several hours [9].
  • An apparent receptor for the egg peptide speract (Gly-Phe-Asp-Leu-Asn-Gly-Gly-Gly-Val-Gly) was identified by covalently coupling a radiolabeled speract analogue to intact spermatozoa and was then purified by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography and preparative gel electrophoresis after solubilization with Lubrol PX [10].
  • Measurement of the Stokes radius of p61 and p64 by gel filtration shows that they are not physically associated in buffer containing the nonionic detergent Lubrol 12A9 [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Laureth


Biological context of Laureth

  • 5) Lubrol 12A9 potently inhibited the GTPase reaction and the dissociation of Gs-GDP in parallel, and inhibition of product release may account for the inhibition of steady-state hydrolysis [16].
  • The strength of binding between the porphyrins and Brij 35 depends on the number of binding sites and the solvation shell [17].
  • It inhibited PP1 and PP2A enzymatic activity concentration-dependently with IC50 values of 20 and 75 pM, respectively, in the presence of 0.01% Brij-35, and an LC50 value of 1 microM [18].
  • Influence of the nonionic surfactant Brij 35 on the bioavailability of solid and sorbed dibenzofuran [19].
  • The ligand sito-G was confirmed to be able to enhance ASGPR-mediated endocytosis, the nonionic surfactant Brij 35 seemed to be able to facilitate membrane fusion, and the co-modification resulted in the most efficient transfection but no enhanced cytotoxicity [20].

Anatomical context of Laureth

  • Treatment of the isolated bovine granules with 0.2% Lubrol PX results in the solubilization of most membranes present in the fractin but has only a limited effect on the matrices, which remain aggregated and can be recovered and purified by gradient centrifugation [21].
  • Toxin-activated cyclase activity of fat cell membranes is retained upon solubilization with Lubrol PX [22].
  • C. tropicalis was grown in a medium containing Brij 35, resulting in the induction of a moderate number of medium-sized peroxisomes [23].
  • Association of LFA-1 with lipid rafts of primary T cells could be detected only when they were isolated with another nonionic detergent, Brij 35 [24].
  • SITS-Affi-Gel 102 binds proteins extracted from the porcine cauda epididymal sperm plasma membrane by Lubrol-PX, more selectively than heparin-agarose [25].

Associations of Laureth with other chemical compounds

  • The sedimentation properties of the solubilized receptor-hormone complexes formed in vivo were identical with those derived for the corresponding complexes formed in vitro and extracted with Triton X-100 and Lubrol PX, with sedimentation constants of 8.8 S for the Triton-solubilized complex and 7.0 S for the complex extracted with Lubrol PX [26].
  • The guanosine 5'-[beta, gamma-imido]triphosphate (p[NH]ppG)-activated adenylate cyclase from rabbit myocardial membranes was purified approximately equal to 60,000-fold to a specific activity of 15 mumol X mg-1 X min-1 by Lubrol PX extraction, affinity chromatography, and gel permeation HPLC [27].
  • The Ca-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum was solubilized at pH 6.5 and 30 degrees C using different nonionic detergents, Triton X-100, C12E8, Lubrol PX, or Tween 20 [28].
  • Retinol dehydrogenase solubilized by Lubrol 12A9 from bovine retinal rod outer segments forms mixed micelles of Stokes radius 8.5 nm [29].
  • The activated propranolol-resistant state persisted following various treatments of the enzyme preparation including extensive washings of the membranes; considerable activity was retained even after sonication or treatment with the detergent Lubrol-PX, treatments which caused inactivation of the native enzyme [30].

Gene context of Laureth

  • In Brij 35 lysates, FcR gamma-chain was found to constitutively associate with GPIb [31].
  • From the membrane fraction of cultured human renal adenocarcinoma (ACHN) cells, two endothelin-2-converting enzymes (ECE-2A and ECE-2B) were solubilized with detergent Lubrol PX and separated by hydrophobic butyl fast-performance liquid chromatography [32].
  • This assay used methoxysuccinyl-dialanine-proline-valine-p-nitroanilide as substrate in the presence of 0.01% Brij 35, an HLE enzyme activator [33].
  • Two forms of tyrosinase from B16 mouse melanoma were identified by nonreducing SDS-PAGE after solubilization of crude melanosomal preparations with the nonionic detergent Brij 35 [34].
  • The presence of nonionic detergents of the polyoxyethylene type such as Tween 20, Triton X-100, Nonidet P40 or Lubrol PX in the incubation buffer was necessary to induce renaturation of blotted recombinant c-Ha-ras protein, whereas other types of detergents were ineffective [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Laureth

  • After sensitization with IgG, the integral membrane proteins were solubilized in Brij 36T nonionic detergent and chromatographed by gel filtration [36].
  • Partially purified MDHV-B was analyzed by sucrose gradient sedimentation, isoelectric focusing, and gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 in the presence of 1.0 or 2.0 M urea and 0.05% Brij 35 to purify the antigen and to determine its physical and chemical properties in comparison with those already reported for MDHV-A [37].
  • The optimum procedure includes a derivatization step of the herbicides at 40 degrees C with DTAF for 1 h and a 2-fold dilution prior to MEKC analysis, which is conducted within about 10 min using Brij-35 in the running buffer [38].
  • In the presence of 0.05% Lubrol PX, its predicted secondary structure from circular dichroism spectroscopy is 1% alpha-helix, 21% beta-sheet, and 78% random coil [39].
  • Enzyme activity was extracted from a membrane fraction of human diencephalon with a non-ionic detergent, Brij 35, and activity was monitored by measuring the disappearance of added substance P using radioimmunoassay, bioassay or radiochemical assay [40].


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