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Chemical Compound Review

salicylic acid     2-hydroxybenzoic acid

Synonyms: Acid, Salicylic, o-hydroxybenzoic acid, o Hydroxybenzoic Acid, 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid, 2 Hydroxybenzoic Acid, ...
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Disease relevance of o-hydroxybenzoic acid


Psychiatry related information on o-hydroxybenzoic acid


High impact information on o-hydroxybenzoic acid

  • This cell death requires salicylic acid, a plant immune system activator [11].
  • These data provide a missing link between accumulation of SA and activation of NPR1 in the SAR signaling pathway [12].
  • SAR induction results in accumulation of the signal molecule salicylic acid (SA), which induces defense gene expression via activation of NPR1 [12].
  • Transposon inactivation of Arabidopsis MAP kinase 4 produced the mpk4 mutant exhibiting constitutive systemic acquired resistance (SAR) including elevated salicylic acid (SA) levels, increased resistance to virulent pathogens, and constitutive pathogenesis-related gene expression shown by Northern and microarray hybridizations [13].
  • The effects of the controlled-release preparation on plasma levels of aspirin and salicylate, serum levels of thromboxane B2, and urinary dinor metabolites of prostacyclin and thromboxane B2 (measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) were compared with those of conventional immediate-release aspirin in normal volunteers [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of o-hydroxybenzoic acid


Biological context of o-hydroxybenzoic acid


Anatomical context of o-hydroxybenzoic acid

  • Sodium salicylate increased fibrinolytic activities of blood and of purified polymorphonuclear leukocytes in vitro, whereas aspirin had little effect [20].
  • To learn whether in vitro blastogenesis of lymphocytes is affected by in vivo salicylate ingestion, blood samples were obtained from 19 normal volunteers before and after therapeutic doses of aspirin [23].
  • Marsupials, placentals and their close therian relatives possess complex (tribosphenic) molars that are capable of versatile occlusal functions [24].
  • As salicylate blocks electromotility in cochlear outer hair cells at the same concentration, the role of prestin as a motor protein may need to be reassessed [25].
  • Scanning electron micrographs of goats fed controlled diets demonstrate that cementum bands preserve variations in the relative orientation of collagen fibers that reflect changes in the magnitude and frequency of occlusal forces from chewing different quality diets [26].

Associations of o-hydroxybenzoic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of o-hydroxybenzoic acid

  • Insulin resistance was improved by systemic neutralization of IL-6 or salicylate inhibition of IKK-beta [31].
  • EDS1 is essential for elaboration of the plant hypersensitive response, whereas EDS1 and PAD4 are both required for accumulation of the plant defence-potentiating molecule, salicylic acid [32].
  • We are systematically investigating the role of individual TGA factors in the transcriptional control of pathogenesis-related (PR) defense genes, whose expression is stimulated in leaves by salicylic acid (SA) through a stimulus pathway involving NPR1 [33].
  • In both responses, EDS1, assisted by its interacting partner, PHYTOALEXIN-DEFICIENT4 (PAD4), regulates accumulation of the phenolic defense molecule salicylic acid (SA) and other as yet unidentified signal intermediates [34].
  • ACD6, a novel ankyrin protein, is a regulator and an effector of salicylic acid signaling in the Arabidopsis defense response [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of o-hydroxybenzoic acid


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