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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Subtyping of hepatitis B surface antigen and antibody by radioimmunoassay.

The hepatitis B surface antigen (HBSAg) has been shown to possess distinct subtypes adw, ayw, adr, and ayr). A commercially available solid phase radioimmunoassay for antibody to HBSAg (Ausab, Abbott Laboratories North Chicago, Ill.) has been modified to detect the subtypes of HBSAg as well as the subtype-specific anti-HBS reactivities to detect the subtypes of HBSAg as well as the subtype-specific anti-HBS reactivities (anti-d, anti-y, and anti-w). This method has the advantages of general availability, ease of performance, and increased sensitivity over conventional subtyping methods of agar gel diffusion and counterelectrophoresis.[1]


  1. Subtyping of hepatitis B surface antigen and antibody by radioimmunoassay. Hoofnagle, J.H., Gerety, R.J., Smallwood, L.A., Barker, L.F. Gastroenterology (1977) [Pubmed]
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