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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Longitudinal assessment of immunologic abnormalities of mice with the autosomal recessive mutation, "wasted".

Mice homozygous for the autosomal recessive mutation wasted (wst/wst) undergo a progressive wasting beginning at the third week of postnatal life, when body weight declines in the mutants. The wst/wst mice do not survive past 30 days of age. The present report describes histologic and functional abnormalities in a longitudinal analysis (17 to 29 days postpartum) of wst/wst mice. In addition to a marked age-dependent decline in wst/wst body weight as well as spleen and thymus wet weight to body weight ratios, we have observed a significant decline in spleen and thymus cell number in these organs, compared with phenotypically normal (+/+ or +/wst) littermates. Histologic analysis of the wst/wst thymus revealed marked cortical pyknosis at 23 days of age and significant cortical depletion by 26 days postpartum. The wst/wst spleen at 23 days of age and later was characterized by a marked reduction in the content of red pulp. Lymphoproliferative responsiveness to Con A was markedly altered in the wst/wst thymus and spleen, in an age-dependent fashion, compared with normal littermates. The wst/wst spleen LPS responsiveness was also markedly altered in an age-dependent fashion. Hypotheses are presented concerning the possible site(s) of gene action in the wst/wst mutant which may mediate the observed morphologic and functional abnormalities.[1]


  1. Longitudinal assessment of immunologic abnormalities of mice with the autosomal recessive mutation, "wasted". Goldowitz, D., Shipman, P.M., Porter, J.F., Schmidt, R.R. J. Immunol. (1985) [Pubmed]
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