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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Surveillance of nosocomial infections by antibiotic monitoring.

Records of all patients receiving intravenous gentamicin sulfate during a 92-day interval were reviewed to detect nosocomial infections that had been missed by routine surveillance. Only 46 of 48 of the 99 treatment courses had been detected. In 96% of cases not detected by routine surveillance, use of gentamicin was considered justified. Of the patients missed by surveillance, 83% were in oncology wards, and 46% had severe neutropenia and fever of unknown origin. Antibiotic surveillance proved a useful adjunct in estimating the incidence of nosocomial infections in such patients.[1]


  1. Surveillance of nosocomial infections by antibiotic monitoring. Feldman, L., Lamson, M., Gallelli, J.F., Bennett, J.E. JAMA (1979) [Pubmed]
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