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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Alpha-fetoprotein in antenatal diagnosis of congenital nephrosis.

Alpha-fetoprotein (A.F.P,) levels were found to ge significantly raised in maternal serum and amniotic-fluid samples form the 16th and 18th weeks of gestation in a woman with an apparently normal fetus but with histological evidence of congenital nephrosis of the Finnish type. Increased concentrations of A.F.P. in early pregnancy with a living fetus are therefore not specific for neural-tube defects; More likely they result from the fetal circulation. Extended investigations, including kidney morphology, should be done in cases of apparent false-positive A.F.P. tests.[1]


  1. Alpha-fetoprotein in antenatal diagnosis of congenital nephrosis. Kjessler, B., Johansson, S.G., Sherman, M., Gustavson, K.H., Hultquist, G. Lancet (1975) [Pubmed]
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