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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Sensitivity to bleomycin of JTC-11 cells modified by serum concentration and underlaid 3T3 cells.

The sensitivity to bleomycin of JTC-11 cells derived from Ehrlich ascites tumor was modified by both serum concentration and superinoculation on a sheet of Swiss 3T3 cells. The dose-survival curve of the JTC-11 cells was biphasic or triphasic, with a sensitive phase at lower doses (less than 10 micrograms/ml) and a resistant one at higher doses (more than 40 micrograms/ml). Sensitivity of JTC-11 cells to bleomycin decreased with increases in the serum concentration. When JTC-11 cells were superinoculated on the sheet of Swiss 3T3 cells, the sensitivity of JTC-11 cells to bleomycin did not change with increases in the serum concentrations.[1]


  1. Sensitivity to bleomycin of JTC-11 cells modified by serum concentration and underlaid 3T3 cells. Kimura, H., Yamada, T., Aoyama, T., Norimura, T., Tsuchiya, T. J. UOEH (1984) [Pubmed]
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