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3T3 Cells

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Disease relevance of 3T3 Cells

  • The EGF-RTA conjugate was toxic to 3T3 cells at concentrations (10(-9)--10(-11) M) similar to those at which EGF exerts its biological activity and within an order of magnitude of the toxicity of ricin [1].
  • The SV-40-transformed Balb/c 3T3 line (SVT2) contains four times less vinculin than the parental 3T3 cells, and the rat adenocarcinoma BSp73ASML has no detectable vinculin [2].
  • Mouse fibroblasts transformed by simian virus 40 (SV3T3 cells) are characterized by cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels, respectively, about half and twice those found in growing untransformed 3T3 cells [3].
  • A second phosphotyrosine-containing protein has been detected in both Rous sarcoma virus and Abelson murine leukemia virus-transformed 3T3 cells, but was absent from normal 3T3 cells and 3T3 cells transformed by various other viruses [4].
  • Although the amount of labeled p53 was increased in simian virus 40-transformed and methylcholanthrene-induced mouse sarcoma cells, the amount of p53 labeled during a 3-h pulse in Moloney virus- and Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells and untransformed 3T3 cells was similar [5].

High impact information on 3T3 Cells


Chemical compound and disease context of 3T3 Cells


Biological context of 3T3 Cells

  • Synergistic stimulation of S6 ribosomal protein phosphorylation and DNA synthesis by epidermal growth factor and insulin in quiescent 3T3 cells [15].
  • Similarly, after treatment of 3T3 cells with the tumor-promoter phorbol myristate acetate, which induces a transformation-like phenotype, the cells no longer respond to PDGF as a chemoattractant but retain their migratory response to fibronectin [16].
  • Increased cAMP levels promoted by PDGF acting through stimulation of E-type prostaglandin synthesis may contribute to signal the initiation of cell proliferation in 3T3 cells [17].
  • Inhibitors of protein synthesis block the progression of quiescent 3T3 cells through G1 into S phase; however these drugs do not block the induction of KC and JE by PDGF [18].
  • When added to cultures under hitherto optimum conditions for epidermal cell growth [in the presence of supporting 3T3 cells and epidermal growth factor (EGF)], most of the agents exert an effect of considerable magnitude, the toxin being the most potent [19].

Anatomical context of 3T3 Cells


Associations of 3T3 Cells with chemical compounds

  • SSV-transformed cells have reduced numbers of high-affinity 125I-PDGF receptors; PDGF/p28v-sis receptor was purified from SSV-NIH 3T3 cells and retained active protein tyrosine kinase activity stimulated by PDGF [25].
  • Cyclic AMP-mediated control of lipogenic enzyme synthesis during adipose differentiation of 3T3 cells [26].
  • A transformed BHK cell lacking hypoxanthine guanosine phosphoribosyl tranferase, which was used an an indicator, was found to incorporate 3H-hypoxanthine when in prolonged (20 hr) or brief (1 hr) contact with donor 3T3 cells, whether the latter were in a quiescent layer of in the region of stimulation at the edge of a wound [27].
  • Interruption of the adipose conversion of 3T3 cells by biotin deficiency: differentiation without triglyceride accumulation [28].
  • In contrast, the neurohypophyseal hormone vasopressin, which is mitogenic for 3T3 cells, fails to synergize with TPA to stimulate DNA synthesis, ornithine decarboxylase activity or 2-deoxyglucose uptake [29].

Gene context of 3T3 Cells

  • Here we report that Rb can repress c-fos expression and AP-1 transcriptional activity in both serum-induced and cycling 3T3 cells [30].
  • Furthermore, Shh and downstream Shh signal transducers specifically induce ES enhancer/luciferase reporters in Shh-responsive 3T3 cells [31].
  • Surprisingly, although B7h is expressed in unstimulated B cells, its expression is induced in both 3T3 cells and embryonic fibroblasts treated with TNFalpha, and it is upregulated in nonlymphoid tissues of mice treated with LPS, a potent activator of TNFalpha [32].
  • Expression of a c-myc promoter driven CAT gene, transfected into quiescent 3T3 cells, is stimulated by serum addition whereas an identical gene containing mutations in the E2F binding sites is not responsive [33].
  • Contrary to c-jun and junB transcription, which are strongly stimulated by serum or TPA treatment of quiescent 3T3 cells, junD transcription is not significantly stimulated in these conditions [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of 3T3 Cells


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