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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effect of prostaglandin E1 on vasoactive intestinal polypeptide release from the hypothalamus and on prolactin secretion from the pituitary in rats.

In order to elucidate the mechanisms by which prostaglandin (PG) affects PRL secretion, the effect of PGE1 on vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) release from the rat hypothalamus was examined by determining plasma VIP levels in rat hypophysial portal blood in vivo and VIP release from the perifused hypothalamus in vitro. Intraventricular injection of PGE1 (1 and 5 micrograms/rat) caused a 2- to 3-fold increase in the concentration of plasma VIP in hypophysial portal blood in anesthetized rats. The flow rate of portal blood was slightly increased after the injection of PGE1. VIP release from the perifused rat hypothalamus was stimulated by high potassium levels (56 mM). The infusion of PGE1 (10 microM) resulted in a significant increase in VIP release from the hypothalamus in vitro. Both these responses were calcium dependent. The intraventricular injection of PGE1 (1 and 5 micrograms/rat) resulted in a dose-related increase in peripheral plasma PRL levels in the rat. These findings suggest that PGE1 plays a stimulatory role in regulating VIP release from the hypothalamus into hypophysial portal blood and causes PRL secretion from the pituitary in rats.[1]


  1. Effect of prostaglandin E1 on vasoactive intestinal polypeptide release from the hypothalamus and on prolactin secretion from the pituitary in rats. Shimatsu, A., Kato, Y., Matsushita, N., Katakami, H., Ohta, H., Yanaihara, N., Imura, H. Endocrinology (1983) [Pubmed]
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