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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Extreme central acidosis from Abbott epinephrine.

Investigation into the cause of extreme systemic acidosis during cardiac arrest led to the discovery that a major contributing factor was Abbott 1:10,000 single-dose epinephrine, which contained a large unsuspected acid level. Analysis of this product, both in vivo and in vitro, demonstrated that it contained 8.2 times the acid content of a presumably identical product from Bristol Laboratories and also of a presumably identical product from Bristol Laboratories and also 1,850 times the acid content of an identical epinephrine dose made from a Parke-Davis preparation. Abbott epinephrine injected into the central circulation or directly into the heart causes extreme acidemia, which may be potentially lethal by itself when superimposed on pre-existing acidosis as in cardiac arrest.[1]


  1. Extreme central acidosis from Abbott epinephrine. Feldschuh, J., Gambino, R. Am. J. Med. (1983) [Pubmed]
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