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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Pulpectomy: immediate root canal filling with calcium hydroxide. Concept and procedures.

From the clinical aspect the endodontic treatment is divided into two groups: (1) teeth with pulp vitality (biopulpectomy) and (2) pulpless teeth (necropulpectomy). The authors point out the necessity of knowing the clinical pathologic conditions and the macroscopic aspect of the dental pulp before endodontic treatment. They describe the clinical procedures that must be performed in cases when the tooth presents pulp vitality (biopulpectomy), emphasizing (1) the necessity of a field of operation in an aseptic condition; (2) the necessity of a noninjuring instrumentation; (3) the use of cytophylactic substances and not cytotoxic substances; and (4) the use of a root canal--filling technique that respects the limits of the pulp stump, employing calcium hydroxide, a substance that maintains its vitality and induces and accelerates the apical closure by hard-tissue deposition.[1]


  1. Pulpectomy: immediate root canal filling with calcium hydroxide. Concept and procedures. Leonardo, M.R., Leal, J.M., Simões Filho, A.P. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. (1980) [Pubmed]
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