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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The effects of equal caloric amounts of xylitol, sucrose and starch on insulin requirements and blood glucose levels in insulin-dependent diabetics.

Xylitol has been suggested as a potentially useful sweetener in the diabetic diet. In 14 insulin-dependent diabetics a standard diabetic diet regimen was compared with diets in which starch was isocalorically exchanged in the breakfast meal by either 30 g xylitol or 30 g sucrose. Insulin requirement and blood glucose were measured using a glucose-controlled insulin infusion system. The results following breakfast with xylitol were similar to those after starch breakfasts. Sucrose, in contrast, induced a greater post-prandial rise in blood glucose levels despite counter-regulation by the glucose-controlled insulin infusion system. Insulin requirement after sucrose significantly exceeded (p less than 0.01) that after xylitol or starch during the first 60 min and 2 h respectively. No short-term side effects of xylitol were found.[1]


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