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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Hypertension associated with massive, bilateral, posture-dependent renal dysfunction.

Hippurate function scintiscans were obtained in prone and standing positions in a group of 76 patients with concurrent hypertension and nephroptosis. TWelve of these patients had massive, bilateral disturbance of intrarenal hippurate transport in the standing position; hippurate transport was normal in the prone position. This pattern was present in only three of 120 normotensive patients with nephroptosis. To investigate the importance of nephroptosis, 87 other hypertensive patients were examined. Eighteen of these patients demonstrated posture-dependent tubular dysfunction, but only four had nephroptosis. The results suggest a direct relationship between bilateral posture-dependent tubular dysfunction and hypertension.[1]


  1. Hypertension associated with massive, bilateral, posture-dependent renal dysfunction. Clorius, J.H., Schmidlin, P., Raptou, E., Huber, W., Georgi, P. Radiology. (1981) [Pubmed]
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