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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Processing of MucA protein is required for spontaneous and benzo[a]pyrene-induced reversion of the Escherichia coli trpA23 missense mutation by G.C-T.A transversions: effect of a deficiency in the MutY DNA glycosylase.

We have studied the influence of the processing of MucA protein on the occurrence of base substitution mutations. Escherichia coli strains carrying the trpA23 missense mutation and having a full deletion of the chromosomal umuD/C operon were transformed with plasmids encoding the MucB protein together with either wild-type MucA or the nonprocessable MucA202 protein. The efficient reversion of the trpA23 allele by G.C-T.A transversions in benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P)-treated cells required the function of a matured MucA protein. This processed protein was also necessary for the occurrence of G.C-T.A transversions targeted at spontaneous DNA lesions and for the SOS mutator effect dependent on the constitutive coprotease activity of the RecA730 protein. In contrast, G.C-T.A transversions reverting trpA23 were spontaneously generated by an SOS-independent mechanism in cells deficient in the MutY DNA glycosylase.[1]


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