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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Laser-assisted uvula-palatoplasty for snoring.

Laser-assisted uvula-palatoplasty (LAUP) is a new and effective surgical method for the elimination of habitual snoring. LAUP is safely performed under local anesthesia in the office, and it provides progressive enlargement of the oropharyngeal air space by reshaping and restructuring the uvula, soft palate, and pharyngeal pillars utilizing the CO2 laser with special attachments. LAUP can also reduce oropharyngeal obstruction that may occur during sleep in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Our experience includes over 335 patients evaluated and treated within the past year. Successive laser ablation of the vibrating structures, such as the uvula, soft palate, and posterior pharyngeal pillars, provided an 84% cure rate. In addition, 7% of the patients reported significant improvement in the loudness of their snore. The major advantage of this surgical technique is that it is a safe, simple, reliable, and bloodless procedure that can be performed in the office. This method and the results of its use are discussed.[1]


  1. Laser-assisted uvula-palatoplasty for snoring. Krespi, Y.P., Pearlman, S.J., Keidar, A. The Journal of otolaryngology. (1994) [Pubmed]
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