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Tobacco consumption and chemical analysis of cigarettes in Bahrain.

A 10.0% random sample of smokers in Bahrain was identified from a previous national morbidity survey which was completed in February 1983. Tobacco consumption and the average yields of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide (CO) of seven brands of cigarettes were examined. The 1982 adult tobacco consumption (2.3 kg) in Bahrain was generally lower than in developed countries. Similarly, cigarette per person consumption (734) was less than 69 other countries out of 130 that had data available. Tar, nicotine, and CO analysis of the five leading brands and two others which were previously popular in Bahrain showed that the average yields were mostly comparable with the same brands in the UK.[1]


  1. Tobacco consumption and chemical analysis of cigarettes in Bahrain. Hamadeh, R.R., McPherson, K., Doll, R. The International journal of the addictions. (1994) [Pubmed]
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