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Pilot study of computerised differentiation of Huntington's disease, schizophrenic, and Parkinson's disease patients using the contingent negative variation.

In this study a potential known as the contingent negative variation was used to differentiate between schizophrenic, Parkinson's disease (PD), Huntington's disease ( HD) patients and normal control subjects. The aim was to assist diagnosis and the avoidance of false diagnosis. 20 schizophrenic, 16 PD, 11 HD and 43 normal control subjects were enrolled for this study. The discriminatory variables were generated by applying spectral analysis to pre- and post-stimulus sections of the CNV responses. The patient differentiation was achieved by using the measured variables in a discriminant analysis program. It was possible to accurately differentiate between HD, schizophrenic, PD patients and normal control subjects. It was also attempted to differentiate between HD and schizophrenic patients, HD and PD patients, and schizophrenic and PD patients. The test results indicated that the method is useful in differentiating between these patients. This study had a number of limitations. It was based on a limited number of individuals, and an analysis of medication effects on the test results and the test-retest reliability assessment could not be carried out.[1]


  1. Pilot study of computerised differentiation of Huntington's disease, schizophrenic, and Parkinson's disease patients using the contingent negative variation. Jervis, B.W., Saatchi, M.R., Allen, E.M., Hudson, N.R., Oke, S., Grimsley, M. Medical & biological engineering & computing. (1993) [Pubmed]
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