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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The association between lithium carbonate and smooth pursuit eye tracking among first-episode patients with psychotic affective disorders.

The association between treatment with lithium carbonate and smooth pursuit eye tracking performance was investigated in first-episode patients with psychotic affective disorders. The horizontal pursuit performance of patients with major depression and bipolar disorder who were receiving lithium carbonate was contrasted with that of patients not receiving lithium carbonate. In addition, the accuracy and quality of pursuit eye tracking was examined in bipolar patients whose lithium status changed from the time of initial testing to the time of retest 10 months later. For the combined group of depressed and bipolar patients, treatment with lithium carbonate was not associated with worse pursuit performance. Bipolar disordered patients on lithium did not differ in tracking proficiency from those not on lithium; bipolar patients whose lithium status changed from intake to retest also did not display a significant change in pursuit performance.[1]


  1. The association between lithium carbonate and smooth pursuit eye tracking among first-episode patients with psychotic affective disorders. Gooding, D.C., Iacono, W.G., Katsanis, J., Beiser, M., Grove, W.M. Psychophysiology. (1993) [Pubmed]
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