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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Angiotensin: physiological role in water-deprivation-induced thirst of rats.

Cerebroventricular infusion of P-113, the blocking agent of angiotensin II, into rats for 75 minutes prior to their being allowed to drink, significantly attenuated their water intake when they had been deprived of water for 30 hours. However, a similar infusion had no effect on the food intake in rats fasted for 30 hours. The results indicate a physiological role for angiotensin II in the drinking response of rats deprived of water.[1]


  1. Angiotensin: physiological role in water-deprivation-induced thirst of rats. Malvin, R.L., Mouw, D., Vander, A.J. Science (1977) [Pubmed]
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