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Disease relevance of Drinking

  • Therefore, there are specific impairments of water intake in response to hypertonicity and hypovolemia in aged MW rats, but Ang-related drinking is not reduced [1].
  • While DHEA treatments did not block either the direct cytotoxic action of SZ on beta-cells or the development of insulitis, the steroid significantly moderated the severity of the ensuing diabetes (reduced hyperglycemia and water consumption, and increased plasma insulin and numbers of residual, granulated beta-cells [2].
  • Body weight, water intake, urine output, solute and urea excretion, serum and urine osmolality, serum creatinine, 24-h creatinine clearance, and fractional excretion of sodium were comparable among the three groups [3].
  • DOCA-salt rats failed to gain weight with markedly increased water intake and decreased food intake; drug treatment did not alter these parameters [4].
  • 2. These studies show that cumulative sodium balance and aldosterone secretion rates in patients with SIADH are negatively correlated with water intake [5].

Psychiatry related information on Drinking


High impact information on Drinking

  • Demeclocycline (600 to 1200 mg daily) restored serum sodium concentration to 139 +/- 1.1 meq per liter within five to 14 days, permitting unrestricted water intake in all patients [11].
  • Pairing lithium chloride with stimulation of the amygdala had no effect on subsequent water intake in the absence of brain stimulation [12].
  • Subjects receiving this pairing greatly reduced their water intake in a retention test, in a similar manner to a group in which saccharin was paired with poisoning [12].
  • Cerebroventricular infusion of P-113, the blocking agent of angiotensin II, into rats for 75 minutes prior to their being allowed to drink, significantly attenuated their water intake when they had been deprived of water for 30 hours [13].
  • Neither intravenous D-glucose nor water intake enhanced MSA [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of Drinking


Biological context of Drinking


Anatomical context of Drinking

  • Now, roles have been established for the apelin system in lowering blood pressure, as a potent cardiac inotrope, in modulating pituitary hormone release and food and water intake, in stress activation, and as a novel adipokine that is excreted from fat cells and regulates insulin [25].
  • Intracerebroventricular (third ventricle) infusion of 1.0 or 2.0 nmol of ANF in conscious, overnight-dehydrated rats significantly inhibited subsequent water intake over a 2-hr test period [26].
  • These results indicate a possible physiologic role for ANF in the hypothalamic control of water intake and reveal that the cardiac peptides can act centrally, as well as peripherally, to assist in the normalization of extracellular fluid volume [26].
  • The activation of neurons in the subfornical organ (SFO) by angiotensin II (AngII) is well established and is widely regarded as the basis for the AngII-induced increase in water intake [27].
  • OBJECTIVE: To determine whether discontinuation of insulin therapy and glucose monitoring and instructions to increase dietary salt and water intake after pancreas transplantation (PTX) resulted in changes in food choices [28].

Associations of Drinking with chemical compounds

  • Normal or increased durations of PS were observed after intravenous (i.v.) administration of vasopressin but also when the normal daily water intake (240 ml) was infused i.v. These results provide direct evidence that PS deficits in the HODI rat are not due to the absence of vasopressin [29].
  • While on ad lib. water intake, the urine flow, urine osmolality, urinary excretion of Na +, K +, creatinine, or total solute excretion did not change [30].
  • In the control rats only water intake was stimulated in response to the induced hyperosmolality, but in the rAOT-treated rats hypertonic mannitol caused a robust salt appetite as well as thirst [31].
  • Chronically, this can be accomplished with increased salt and water intake in conjunction with fludrocortisone [32].
  • NE had no effect on water intake at any age [33].

Gene context of Drinking


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Drinking


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