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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Distribution of substance P in the spinal cord of patients with syringomyelia.

The distribution of substance P, a putative neurotransmitter and pain-related peptide, was studied using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunohistochemical method in the spinal cords obtained from autopsy of 10 patients with syringo-myelia and 10 age- and sex-matched, neurologically normal individuals. Substance P immunoreactivity was present in axons and in terminal-like processes in close apposition to neurons in the first, second, and third laminae of the dorsal horn. Smaller amounts of peroxidase-positive staining were found in the fifth lamina of the dorsal horn, the intermediolateral nucleus, the intermediomedial nucleus, and the ventral horn. In nine of 10 patients with syringomyelia, there was a substantial increase in substance P immunoreactivity in the first, second, third, and fifth laminae below the level of the lesion. A marked reduction or absence of staining was present in segments of the spinal cord occupied by the syrinx. Central cavities produced bilateral abnormalities, whereas eccentric cavities produced changes that were ipsilateral to the lesion. No alterations in staining were found in the spinal cord of an asymptomatic patient with a small central syrinx. The authors conclude that syringomyelia can be associated with abnormalities in spinal cord levels of substance P, which may affect the modulation and perception of pain.[1]


  1. Distribution of substance P in the spinal cord of patients with syringomyelia. Milhorat, T.H., Mu, H.T., LaMotte, C.C., Milhorat, A.T. J. Neurosurg. (1996) [Pubmed]
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