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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Three molecular structures cause rhesus D category VI phenotypes with distinct immunohematologic features.

Rhesus D category VI (DVI) is the clinically most important partial D. DVI red blood cells were assumed to possess very low RhD antigen density and to be caused by two RHD-CE-D hybrid alleles. Because there was no population-based work-up, we screened three populations in central Europe for DVI. Twenty-six DVI samples were detected and examined by exon-specific RHD polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP). A new genotype, hereby designated D category VI type III, was characterized as a RHD-Ce(3-6)-D hybrid allele by sequencing of the cDNA, parts of intron 1, and by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of intron 2. Rhesus introns 5 and 6 were sequenced and the 3' breakpoints of all known DVI types shown to be distinct. We differentiated the 5' breakpoints of DVI type I and DVI type II by a newly devised RHD-PCR. Thus, the DVI phenotype originated in at least three independent molecular events. Each DVI type showed distinct immunohematologic features in flow cytometry. The number of RhD proteins accessible on the red blood cells' surface of DVI type III was normal (about 12,000 antigens/cell; DVI type I, 500; DVI type II, 2,400) based on the determination of an RhD epitope density profile. DVI type II and DVI type III occurred as CDe haplotypes, and DVI type I as a cDE haplotype. The distribution of the DVI types varied significantly in three German-speaking populations. Genotyping strategies should take account of allelic variations in partial RhD. The reconsideration of previous serologic and clinical data for partial D in view of the underlying molecular structures may be worthwhile.[1]


  1. Three molecular structures cause rhesus D category VI phenotypes with distinct immunohematologic features. Wagner, F.F., Gassner, C., Muller, T.H., Schonitzer, D., Schunter, F., Flegel, W.A. Blood (1998) [Pubmed]
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