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Distribution of waste anesthetic gases in the operating room air.

Epidemiologic and animal studies identify a strong relationship between chronic exposure to anesthetic gases and health hazards. Efforts to reduce exposure of personnel require an understanding of the distribution of anesthetic waste gases in the operating room air. Concentrations of nitrous oxide and halothane were measured at numerous stations throughout an operating room and a delivery room in the absence of personnel. Air conditioning flow rates and flow patterns were varied, as was the height of the anesthetic gas source. Air flow patterns were found to dominate the anesthetic gas distribution, while buoyancy effects were negligible. Venting waste gases at the floor does not significantly reduce exposure of personnel. Areas of high concentration were observed; their occurrences and locations varied strongly with air flow patterns. The exhaust grille is the best location for a single measurement of the average room concentration. Recirculating air-conditioning systems reduce energy costs; however, only the non-recirculating portion of the air exchanges reduces waste gas concentrations.[1]


  1. Distribution of waste anesthetic gases in the operating room air. Piziali, R.L., Whitcher, C., Sher, R., Moffat, R.J. Anesthesiology (1976) [Pubmed]
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