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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Development of cadherin-defined parasagittal subdivisions in the embryonic chicken cerebellum.

The expression of three cadherins (cadherin-6B, cadherin-7, and R-cadherin) was analyzed by immunohistochemistry at early to intermediate stages of chicken cerebellar development (4.5-12 days of incubation [E4.5-E12]). Expression was first detected at approximately E5. On the cerebellar surface, expression of cadherin-6B and cadherin-7 is initially observed in transverse domains that subsequently elongate into parasagittal stripes. The sequence of emergence, the borders, and the orientation of these expression domains suggest a parcellation of the cerebellum into distinct medial, lateral, and caudal embryonic subdivisions. These subdivisions relate to histologic features, to the expression of gene regulatory proteins, and, possibly, to patterns of clonal restriction. Individual cadherin-expressing cell clusters can be observed to split into cortical and nuclear subdivisions, which are connected by nerve fibers expressing the same cadherin, thus establishing the parasagittal corticonuclear connectivity pattern found at later developmental stages. Our results suggest that cadherins may play a role in the transition from the early embryonic to the later functional organization of the cerebellum by providing a scaffold of potential adhesive cues.[1]


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