Gene Review:
CDH4 - cadherin 4, type 1, R-cadherin (retinal)
Gallus gallus
- N- and R-cadherin expression in the optic nerve of the chicken embryo. Redies, C., Takeichi, M. Glia (1993)
- Expression of R-cadherin in the regenerating chick sciatic nerve. Shibuya, Y., Yasuda, H., Umeda, M., Komori, T., Ide, C. Anat. Embryol. (2001)
- R-cadherin: a novel Ca(2+)-dependent cell-cell adhesion molecule expressed in the retina. Inuzuka, H., Miyatani, S., Takeichi, M. Neuron (1991)
- R-cadherin expression during nucleus formation in chicken forebrain neuromeres. Gänzler, S.I., Redies, C. J. Neurosci. (1995)
- Selective synaptic cadherin expression by traced neurons of the chicken visual system. Heyers, D., Luksch, H., Redies, C. Neuroscience (2004)
- Restricted expression of N- and R-cadherin on neurites of the developing chicken CNS. Redies, C., Inuzuka, H., Takeichi, M. J. Neurosci. (1992)
- Cadherin expression in the retina and retinofugal pathways of the chicken embryo. Wöhrn, J.C., Puelles, L., Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M., Redies, C. J. Comp. Neurol. (1998)
- Differential expression of R- and N-cadherin in neural and mesodermal tissues during early chicken development. Inuzuka, H., Redies, C., Takeichi, M. Development (1991)
- Development of cadherin-defined parasagittal subdivisions in the embryonic chicken cerebellum. Arndt, K., Redies, C. J. Comp. Neurol. (1998)
- Developmental changes in the subcellular localization of R-cadherin in chick retinal pigment epithelium. Liu, X., Mizoguchi, A., Takeichi, M., Honda, Y., Ide, C. Histochem. Cell Biol. (1997)