Gene Review:
CDH6 - cadherin 6, type 2, K-cadherin (fetal kidney)
Gallus gallus
- Cadherin expression in the retina and retinofugal pathways of the chicken embryo. Wöhrn, J.C., Puelles, L., Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M., Redies, C. J. Comp. Neurol. (1998)
- Neural crest emigration from the neural tube depends on regulated cadherin expression. Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M. Development (1998)
- Neural crest cell-cell adhesion controlled by sequential and subpopulation-specific expression of novel cadherins. Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M. Development (1995)
- Selective synaptic cadherin expression by traced neurons of the chicken visual system. Heyers, D., Luksch, H., Redies, C. Neuroscience (2004)
- Blockade of cadherin-6B activity perturbs the distribution of PSD-95 family proteins in retinal neurones. Honjo, Y., Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M. Genes Cells (2000)
- Phenotype-dependent expression of cadherin 6B in vascular and visceral smooth muscle cells. Chimori, Y., Hayashi, K., Kimura, K., Nishida, W., Funahashi, S., Miyata, S., Shimane, M., Matsuzawa, Y., Sobue, K. FEBS Lett. (2000)
- Cadherin expression by embryonic divisions and derived gray matter structures in the telencephalon of the chicken. Redies, C., Medina, L., Puelles, L. J. Comp. Neurol. (2001)
- Morphologic fate of diencephalic prosomeres and their subdivisions revealed by mapping cadherin expression. Redies, C., Ast, M., Nakagawa, S., Takeichi, M., Martínez-de-la-Torre, M., Puelles, L. J. Comp. Neurol. (2000)
- Development of cadherin-defined parasagittal subdivisions in the embryonic chicken cerebellum. Arndt, K., Redies, C. J. Comp. Neurol. (1998)
- Cadherins guide migrating Purkinje cells to specific parasagittal domains during cerebellar development. Luo, J., Treubert-Zimmermann, U., Redies, C. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. (2004)