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Chemical Compound Review

SureCN28080     2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid

Synonyms: CHEMBL328910, NSC-4740, PARAGOS 500011, AG-K-79733, ACMC-209r37, ...
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Disease relevance of 41453-50-3

  • The nature of the salt associated to the active principle can give some advantages in the field of activity, bioavailability and toxicity. beta-Resorcylic acid was chosen in this study because of its previously described antimalarial activity and its expected enhancement of quinine antimalarial activity [1].

High impact information on 41453-50-3

  • We investigated whether a beta-resorcylic acid lactone, zeranol (a compound with close spatial similarity to estrogens but with a weak estrogenic activity), improves primary hemostasis in uremic rats and whether the effect is mediated by estrogen receptors [2].
  • Initial results are presented for individual single component organic particles composed of 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (2,4-DHB) analyzed using a low-power flat-top laser beam profile created by sending an ultraviolet (266 nm) DI laser through a fiber optic [3].
  • Zeranol (beta-resorcylic acid lactone), a common residous component of natural foodstuffs, stimulates developmental growth of the mouse mammary gland [4].


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