Chemical Compound Review:
Iaa-lysine (2S)-2-amino-6-[2-(1H-indol- 3...
SureCN3449967, CHEBI:17328, AR-1K5344, AR-1K5345, AC1L4P1Y, ...
- Cloning of the gene for indoleacetic acid-lysine synthetase from Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi. Glass, N.L., Kosuge, T. J. Bacteriol. (1986)
- Maintenance of embryonic auxin distribution for apical-basal patterning by PIN-FORMED-dependent auxin transport in Arabidopsis. Weijers, D., Sauer, M., Meurette, O., Friml, J., Ljung, K., Sandberg, G., Hooykaas, P., Offringa, R. Plant Cell (2005)
- Role of indoleacetic acid-lysine synthetase in regulation of indoleacetic acid pool size and virulence of Pseudomonas syringae subsp. savastanoi. Glass, N.L., Kosuge, T. J. Bacteriol. (1988)