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Gene Review

Cd33  -  CD33 antigen

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Myeloid cell surface antigen CD33, Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 3, Siglec-3, Siglec3, gp67
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High impact information on Cd33

  • CD33/Siglec-3 binding specificity, expression pattern, and consequences of gene deletion in mice [1].
  • The expression pattern of the murine CD33 homolog suggests that the function of CD33 antigen in hematopoiesis may be conserved between humans and mice [2].
  • Fibroblasts transfected with CD33 genes and expressing high levels of CD33 antigen were also lysed in the presence of human complement, but HL60 cells or fibroblasts with lower CD33 levels were not killed [3].
  • The observation that the CD33 antigen is present on AML cells, and on normal and leukemic progenitors, suggested that one might be able to target these cells while sparing the normal stem cells [4].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cd33


  1. CD33/Siglec-3 binding specificity, expression pattern, and consequences of gene deletion in mice. Brinkman-Van der Linden, E.C., Angata, T., Reynolds, S.A., Powell, L.D., Hedrick, S.M., Varki, A. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Molecular cloning of two isoforms of the murine homolog of the myeloid CD33 antigen. Tchilian, E.Z., Beverley, P.C., Young, B.D., Watt, S.M. Blood (1994) [Pubmed]
  3. Biological and immunological features of humanized M195 (anti-CD33) monoclonal antibodies. Caron, P.C., Co, M.S., Bull, M.K., Avdalovic, N.M., Queen, C., Scheinberg, D.A. Cancer Res. (1992) [Pubmed]
  4. Monoclonal antibodies to the myeloid stem cells: therapeutic implications of CMA-676, a humanized anti-CD33 antibody calicheamicin conjugate. Bernstein, I.D. Leukemia (2000) [Pubmed]
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