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Gene Review

pes-1  -  Protein PES-1

Caenorhabditis elegans

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High impact information on pes-1

  • Conservation of the fkh-2/pes-1 genetic redundancy between C. elegans and the related species C. briggsae was demonstrated [1].
  • Despite these observations suggesting pes-1 to have an important regulatory role in embryogenesis, inactivation of pes-1 caused no apparent phenotype [1].
  • The beta-galactosidase expression pattern, directed by the pes-1/lacZ fusion through which this gene was cloned, has been determined precisely in terms of the embryonic cell lineage and has three components [2].
  • Complexity of developmental control: analysis of embryonic cell lineage specification in Caenorhabditis elegans using pes-1 as an early marker [3].

Biological context of pes-1

  • Promoter trapping has identified a gene, pes-1, which is expressed during C. elegans embryogenesis [2].
  • Whereas a weak, transitory effect was observed upon disruption of just T14G12.4 (renamed fkh-2) gene function, simultaneous disruption of the activity of both fkh-2 and pes-1 resulted in a penetrant lethal phenotype [1].


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