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Gene Review

ITGB1BP2  -  integrin beta 1 binding protein (melusin) 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CHORDC3, ITGB1BP, Integrin beta-1-binding protein 2, MELUSIN, MSTP015, ...
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High impact information on ITGB1BP2

  • In vitro binding experiments demonstrated that interaction of full-length Melusin with detergent-solubilized integrin heterodimers occurred only in absence of cations, suggesting that it can be regulated by intracellular signals affecting Ca(2+) concentration [1].
  • Melusin is expressed in skeletal and cardiac muscles but not in smooth muscles or other tissues [1].

Associations of ITGB1BP2 with chemical compounds

  • Here we describe the isolation and partial characterization of a new muscle-specific protein (Melusin) which interacts with the integrin cytoplasmic domain [1].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ITGB1BP2


  1. Melusin is a new muscle-specific interactor for beta(1) integrin cytoplasmic domain. Brancaccio, M., Guazzone, S., Menini, N., Sibona, E., Hirsch, E., De Andrea, M., Rocchi, M., Altruda, F., Tarone, G., Silengo, L. J. Biol. Chem. (1999) [Pubmed]
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