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Gene Review

ACTN1  -  actinin, alpha 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Alpha-actinin cytoskeletal isoform, Alpha-actinin-1, F-actin cross-linking protein, Non-muscle alpha-actinin-1
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Disease relevance of ACTN1


Psychiatry related information on ACTN1

  • To optimize the parameters of labeling protein with IIE, a systematic assessment of the effects of pH, reactant concentrations, and reaction time was made using purified cardiac actin and gizzard alpha-actinin [5].

High impact information on ACTN1


Chemical compound and disease context of ACTN1


Biological context of ACTN1


Anatomical context of ACTN1


Associations of ACTN1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ACTN1


Co-localisations of ACTN1


Regulatory relationships of ACTN1


Other interactions of ACTN1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ACTN1


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