Gene Review:
car - carnation
Drosophila melanogaster
CG12230, Car, Dm-Vps33, Dmel\CG12230, Protein carnation, ...
- Comparative evolutionary analysis of VPS33 homologues: genetic and functional insights. Gissen, P., Johnson, C.A., Gentle, D., Hurst, L.D., Doherty, A.J., O'Kane, C.J., Kelly, D.A., Maher, E.R. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2005)
- A role for the deep orange and carnation eye color genes in lysosomal delivery in Drosophila. Sevrioukov, E.A., He, J.P., Moghrabi, N., Sunio, A., Krämer, H. Mol. Cell (1999)
- Drosophila Vps16A is required for trafficking to lysosomes and biogenesis of pigment granules. Pulipparacharuvil, S., Akbar, M.A., Ray, S., Sevrioukov, E.A., Haberman, A.S., Rohrer, J., Krämer, H. J. Cell. Sci. (2005)