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Gene Review

Cks30A  -  Cyclin-dependent kinase subunit 30A

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CDI2, CG3738, Cdi2, Cks, Cks1, ...
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High impact information on Cks30A

  • We have characterized the Drosophila Cks gene, Cks30A and we find that it is required for progression through female meiosis and the mitotic divisions of the early embryo through an interaction with Cdk1 [1].
  • We also find that a second closely related Cks gene, Cks85A, plays a distinct, non-overlapping role in Drosophila, and the two genes cannot functionally replace each other [1].
  • In yeast, Cks can promote exit from mitosis by transcriptional regulation of cell cycle regulators [1].
  • We found that rem encodes a conserved subunit of Cdc2 (Cks30A) [2].
  • As Drosophila oocytes arrest in metaphase I, the defect represents a new Cks function before metaphase-anaphase transition [2].

Biological context of Cks30A

  • Using a genetic approach to identify genes that are specifically required for these cell cycles in Drosophila, we found that a Drosophila Cks gene, Cks30A is required for spindle assembly and anaphase progression in both female meiosis and in the syncytial embryo [3].
  • Cks is a small highly conserved protein that plays an important role in cell cycle control in different eukaryotes [1].

Other interactions of Cks30A


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