Gene Review:
Cks30A - Cyclin-dependent kinase subunit 30A
Drosophila melanogaster
CDI2, CG3738, Cdi2, Cks, Cks1, ...
- Drosophila Cks30A interacts with Cdk1 to target Cyclin A for destruction in the female germline. Swan, A., Barcelo, G., Schüpbach, T. Development (2005)
- A pre-anaphase role for a Cks/Suc1 in acentrosomal spindle formation of Drosophila female meiosis. Pearson, N.J., Cullen, C.F., Dzhindzhev, N.S., Ohkura, H. EMBO Rep. (2005)
- Drosophila female meiosis and embryonic syncytial mitosis use specialized Cks and CDC20 proteins for cyclin destruction. Swan, A., Schüpbach, T. Cell Cycle (2005)