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Gene Review

trk  -  trunk

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG5619, Dmel\CG5619, Protein trunk, fs(2)trunk
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High impact information on trk

  • Here we report that trunk (trk), a gene required for activity of the tor receptor, encodes a protein that resembles spz in several respects [1].
  • Furthermore, the carboxy-terminal domain of trk has a similar arrangement of cysteines to that of spz [1].
  • A novel modular mosaic of cell adhesion motifs in the extracellular domains of the neurogenic trk and trkB tyrosine kinase receptors [2].
  • The trk family of receptor tyrosine kinases is crucial for neuronal survival in the vertebrate nervous system, however both C. elegans and Drosophila lack genes encoding trks or their ligands [3].
  • However, it is not well understood how this signal is generated, although it is known to depend on the activity of many genes such as torso-like (tsl) and trunk (trk) [4].

Biological context of trk

  • Using the trk, abl and src families of tyrosine kinase encoded proto-oncogenes, we discuss here new insights into the structural and functional organization of neural tissues gained from the molecular and genetic analyses of these genes and their products [5].

Regulatory relationships of trk

  • Proteolytic cleavage of the Trunk precursor can activate Torso-dependent signaling, but the existence of cleaved Trunk has not yet been demonstrated in vivo for Drosophila [6].


  1. Similarities between trunk and spätzle, putative extracellular ligands specifying body pattern in Drosophila. Casanova, J., Furriols, M., McCormick, C.A., Struhl, G. Genes Dev. (1995) [Pubmed]
  2. A novel modular mosaic of cell adhesion motifs in the extracellular domains of the neurogenic trk and trkB tyrosine kinase receptors. Schneider, R., Schweiger, M. Oncogene (1991) [Pubmed]
  3. Neurotrophic activities of trk receptors conserved over 600 million years of evolution. Beck, G., Munno, D.W., Levy, Z., Dissel, H.M., Van-Minnen, J., Syed, N.I., Fainzilber, M. J. Neurobiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. Dissecting the mechanism of torso receptor activation. Furriols, M., Casali, A., Casanova, J. Mech. Dev. (1998) [Pubmed]
  5. Proto-oncogenes and signaling processes in neural tissues. Sudol, M., Grant, S.G., Maisonpierre, P.C. Neurochem. Int. (1993) [Pubmed]
  6. The torso ligand, unmasked? Stein, D., Stevens, L.M. Sci. STKE (2001) [Pubmed]
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