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Gene Review

pilA  -  PilA protein

Burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b

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Disease relevance of pilA

  • Temperature-regulated microcolony formation by Burkholderia pseudomallei requires pilA and enhances association with cultured human cells [1].

High impact information on pilA

  • Further, we demonstrate that the type IVA pilin-encoding gene, pilA, is essential for microcolony development by B. pseudomallei 08, and thus optimum association with eukaryotic cells, but is not required for direct adherence (bacterium-cell interactions) [1].
  • In contrast, although the B. pseudomallei genome sequence strain, K96243, also contains transcriptionally active pilA, microcolony formation rarely occurs following growth at either 27 degrees C or 37 degrees C and cell association occurs significantly less than with strain 08 [1].
  • Adherence and microcolony formation, and pilA transcription, vary between strains, consistent with known genomic variation in B. pseudomallei, and these phenotypes may be relevant to colonization from the environment [1].
  • A type IV pilin, PilA, Contributes To Adherence of Burkholderia pseudomallei and virulence in vivo [2].


  1. Temperature-regulated microcolony formation by Burkholderia pseudomallei requires pilA and enhances association with cultured human cells. Boddey, J.A., Flegg, C.P., Day, C.J., Beacham, I.R., Peak, I.R. Infect. Immun. (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. A type IV pilin, PilA, Contributes To Adherence of Burkholderia pseudomallei and virulence in vivo. Essex-Lopresti, A.E., Boddey, J.A., Thomas, R., Smith, M.P., Hartley, M.G., Atkins, T., Brown, N.F., Tsang, C.H., Peak, I.R., Hill, J., Beacham, I.R., Titball, R.W. Infect. Immun. (2005) [Pubmed]
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