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Gene Review

seq  -  sequoia

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: 2R5, 49Fc, CG17724b, CG32904, CG4037, ...
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High impact information on seq

  • We identified the sequoia mutant from a previous screen for dendrite mutants [1].
  • Here we report that Sequoia is a pan-neural nuclear protein containing two putative zinc fingers homologous to the DNA binding domain of Tramtrack. sequoia mutants affect the cell fate decision of a small subset of neurons but have global effects on axon and dendrite morphologies of most and possibly all neurons [1].
  • In support of sequoia as a specific regulator of neuronal morphogenesis, microarray experiments indicate that sequoia may regulate downstream genes that are important for executing neurite development rather than altering a variety of molecules that specify cell fates [1].

Biological context of seq


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