Gene Review:
NKX2-5 - NK2 transcription factor related, locus 5...
Gallus gallus
CNKX-2.5, NKX-2.5
- Differentiation of cardiac Purkinje fibers requires precise spatiotemporal regulation of Nkx2-5 expression. Harris, B.S., Spruill, L., Edmonson, A.M., Rackley, M.S., Benson, D.W., O'Brien, T.X., Gourdie, R.G. Dev. Dyn. (2006)
- BMP-2 induces ectopic expression of cardiac lineage markers and interferes with somite formation in chicken embryos. Andrée, B., Duprez, D., Vorbusch, B., Arnold, H.H., Brand, T. Mech. Dev. (1998)
- Chicken NKx2-8, a novel homeobox gene expressed during early heart and foregut development. Brand, T., Andrée, B., Schneider, A., Buchberger, A., Arnold, H.H. Mech. Dev. (1997)