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Gene Review

shark  -  SH2 ankyrin repeat kinase

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG18247, Dmel\CG18247, Dtk7, SHARK, SYK/SHARK, ...
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High impact information on shark

  • Thus, Shark regulates the JNK signaling pathway leading to Dpp expression in LE cells [1].
  • We have found that flies bearing a Shark tyrosine kinase gene mutation, shark(1), exhibit a DC-defective phenotype [1].
  • Furthermore, constitutive activation of the Dpp pathway throughout the epidermis fails to rescue the shark(1) DC defect, suggesting that Shark may function in additional pathways in the LE and/or lateral epithelium [1].
  • During Drosophila embryogenesis, Shark is expressed exclusively by ectodermally derived epithelia and is localized preferentially to the apical surface of these cells [2].
  • Consistent with these observations, Ddok mutant embryos exhibit decreased levels of tyrosine phosphorylated Shark at the cell periphery of LE and epidermal cells [3].

Biological context of shark

  • Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, the unique Drosophila homolog of the downstream of kinase (Dok) family, Ddok, was identified by its ability to bind Shark SH2 domains in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent fashion [3].
  • In cultured S2 embryonic cells, Ddok tyrosine phosphorylation is Src dependent; Shark associates with Ddok and Ddok localizes at the cell cortex, together with a portion of the Shark protein [3].


  1. The Drosophila shark tyrosine kinase is required for embryonic dorsal closure. Fernandez, R., Takahashi, F., Liu, Z., Steward, R., Stein, D., Stanley, E.R. Genes Dev. (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. Shark, a Src homology 2, ankyrin repeat, tyrosine kinase, is expressed on the apical surfaces of ectodermal epithelia. Ferrante, A.W., Reinke, R., Stanley, E.R. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1995) [Pubmed]
  3. Drosophila Dok is required for embryonic dorsal closure. Biswas, R., Stein, D., Stanley, E.R. Development (2006) [Pubmed]
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