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Gene Review

ALDH7B4  -  aldehyde dehydrogenase 7B4

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: F15I1.19, F15I1_19
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Disease relevance of ALDH7B4

  • Three genes (ALDH3I1, 3H1 and ALDH7B4) that belong to two different families are differentially activated by dehydration, high salinity and ABA in a tissue-specific manner [1].

High impact information on ALDH7B4

  • A soybean antiquitin homologue gene, designated GmTP55, has been isolated which encodes a dehydrogenase motif-containing 55 kDa protein induced by dehydration and salt stress [2].
  • Despite extensive studies in eukaryotic aldehyde dehydrogenases, functional information about the ALDH7 antiquitin-like proteins is lacking [2].
  • Arabidopsis and tobacco plants ectopically expressing the soybean antiquitin-like ALDH7 gene display enhanced tolerance to drought, salinity, and oxidative stress [2].

Associations of ALDH7B4 with chemical compounds

  • Transcript analysis of ALDH3I1 and ALDH7B4 in Arabidopsis mutants suggests that stress responses are differentially controlled by the phytohormone ABA as well as by pathways that affect sugar metabolism and fatty acid composition of membrane lipids [1].


  1. Detailed expression analysis of selected genes of the aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) gene superfamily in Arabidopsis thaliana. Kirch, H.H., Schlingensiepen, S., Kotchoni, S., Sunkar, R., Bartels, D. Plant Mol. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Arabidopsis and tobacco plants ectopically expressing the soybean antiquitin-like ALDH7 gene display enhanced tolerance to drought, salinity, and oxidative stress. Rodrigues, S.M., Andrade, M.O., Gomes, A.P., Damatta, F.M., Baracat-Pereira, M.C., Fontes, E.P. J. Exp. Bot. (2006) [Pubmed]
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