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Gene Review

HAB1  -  protein phosphatase 2C 16

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: AtHAB1, F28P22.4, F28P22_4, HYPERSENSITIVE TO ABA1, homology to ABI1
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Disease relevance of HAB1

  • In this work, we show that constitutive expression of HAB1 in Arabidopsis under a cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter led to reduced ABA sensitivity both in seeds and vegetative tissues, compared to wild-type plants [1].

High impact information on HAB1

  • The ABA-hypersensitive phenotype of hab1-1 seeds together with the reduced ABA sensitivity of 35S:HAB1 plants are consistent with a role of HAB1 as a negative regulator of ABA signalling [1].
  • Additionally, a recessive T-DNA insertion mutant of HAB1 was analysed in this work, whereas previous studies of recessive alleles of PP2C genes were carried out with intragenic revertants of the abi1-1 and abi2-1 mutants that carry missense mutations in conserved regions of the PP2C domain [1].
  • Here, we show that plants expressing a mutant form of HAB1 in which Gly246 was mutated to Asp (G246D) display strong ABA insensitive phenotypes [2].
  • In Arabidopsis thaliana, the HAB1 PP2C is a negative regulator of the stress hormone abscisic acid (ABA) signaling [2].

Associations of HAB1 with chemical compounds

  • The expression of the HAB1 mRNA in vegetative tissues is strongly upregulated in response to exogenous ABA [1].


  1. Gain-of-function and loss-of-function phenotypes of the protein phosphatase 2C HAB1 reveal its role as a negative regulator of abscisic acid signalling. Saez, A., Apostolova, N., Gonzalez-Guzman, M., Gonzalez-Garcia, M.P., Nicolas, C., Lorenzo, O., Rodriguez, P.L. Plant J. (2004) [Pubmed]
  2. A hypermorphic mutation in the protein phosphatase 2C HAB1 strongly affects ABA signaling in Arabidopsis. Robert, N., Merlot, S., N'guyen, V., Boisson-Dernier, A., Schroeder, J.I. FEBS Lett. (2006) [Pubmed]
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