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Gene Review

MVP1  -  Mvp1p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Sorting nexin MVP1, YM8270.06, YMR004W
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High impact information on MVP1

  • The Saccharomyces cerevisiae MVP1 gene interacts with VPS1 and is required for vacuolar protein sorting [1].
  • MVP1 encodes a 59-kDa hydrophilic protein, Mvp1p, which appears to colocalize with Vps1p in vps1d and vps27 delta yeast cells [1].
  • We therefore propose that Mvp1p and Vps1p act in concert to promote membrane traffic to the vacuole [1].
  • Sorting nexins (SNX) comprise a family of proteins with homology to several yeast proteins, including Vps5p and Mvp1p, that are required for the sorting of proteins to the yeast vacuole [2].

Biological context of MVP1

  • One such suppressor, MVP1, that exhibits genetic interaction with VPS1 and is itself required for vacuolar protein sorting has been isolated [1].

Regulatory relationships of MVP1

  • Overproduction of Mvp1p will suppress several dominant alleles of VPS1, and suppression is dependent on the presence of wild-type Vps1p [1].


  1. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae MVP1 gene interacts with VPS1 and is required for vacuolar protein sorting. Ekena, K., Stevens, T.H. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1995) [Pubmed]
  2. Sorting nexin 6, a novel SNX, interacts with the transforming growth factor-beta family of receptor serine-threonine kinases. Parks, W.T., Frank, D.B., Huff, C., Renfrew Haft, C., Martin, J., Meng, X., de Caestecker, M.P., McNally, J.G., Reddi, A., Taylor, S.I., Roberts, A.B., Wang, T., Lechleider, R.J. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) [Pubmed]
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