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Gene Review

MED17  -  mediator complex subunit 17

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ARC77, Activator-recruited cofactor 77 kDa component, CRSP complex subunit 6, CRSP6, CRSP77, ...
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High impact information on CRSP6

  • These interactions display a negative bias for positions closer to the 5' ends of open reading frames (ORFs) and appear functionally important, because downregulation of transcription in a temperature-sensitive med17 mutant strain correlates with increased Mediator occupancy in the coding region [1].
  • Expression of six genes--the vitamin D interacting protein/thyroid hormone activating protein 80 (DRIP/TRAP-80) gene, the insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 (IGFR1) gene, the small nuclear activating protein (SNAP C3) gene, and three unknown genes, was down-regulated, in nickel-transformed cell lines [2].


  1. Genome-wide occupancy profile of mediator and the Srb8-11 module reveals interactions with coding regions. Zhu, X., Wirén, M., Sinha, I., Rasmussen, N.N., Linder, T., Holmberg, S., Ekwall, K., Gustafsson, C.M. Mol. Cell (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. Molecular biology of nickel carcinogenesis: identification of differentially expressed genes in morphologically transformed C3H10T1/2 Cl 8 mouse embryo fibroblast cell lines induced by specific insoluble nickel compounds. Verma, R., Ramnath, J., Clemens, F., Kaspin, L.C., Landolph, J.R. Mol. Cell. Biochem. (2004) [Pubmed]
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