MeSH Review:
Air Ambulances
- Prehospital use of neuromuscular blocking agents in a helicopter ambulance program. Syverud, S.A., Borron, S.W., Storer, D.L., Hedges, J.R., Dronen, S.C., Braunstein, L.T., Hubbard, B.J. Annals of emergency medicine. (1988)
- Effect of an in-flight helicopter environment on the performance of ALS interventions. Thomas, S.H., Stone, C.K., Bryan-Berge, D., Hunt, R.C. Air Med. J. (1994)
- Effect of the Cornwall Helicopter Ambulance on ambulance service emergency response time. Rouse, A. West of England medical journal. (1991)
- The effect of an airway algorithm on flight nurse behavior. Rhee, K.J., O'Malley, R.J. The Journal of air medical transport. (1990)
- FAA will inspect air ambulances. Lutz, S. Modern healthcare. (1987)
- The Red Cross (Western Cape Region) Air Ambulance Service. Mac Mahon, A.G., Patterson, N. S. Afr. Med. J. (1986)