MeSH Review:
Mobility Limitation
- Quality of life: how do adolescents with facial differences compare with other adolescents? Topolski, T.D., Edwards, T.C., Patrick, D.L. Cleft Palate Craniofac. J. (2005)
- Sequence of metabolic, clinical, and histological events in experimental thiamine deficiency. Hakim, A.M., Pappius, H.M. Ann. Neurol. (1983)
- Quality of life among persons with multiple sclerosis and their caregivers. Aronson, K.J. Neurology (1997)
- Oxygen-uptake (VO2) kinetics and functional mobility performance in impaired older adults. Alexander, N.B., Dengel, D.R., Olson, R.J., Krajewski, K.M. J. Gerontol. A Biol. Sci. Med. Sci. (2003)
- Toxicity of organophosphorus esters to laying hens after oral and dermal administration. Francis, B.M., Metcalf, R.L., Hansen, L.G. Journal of environmental science and health. Part. B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes. (1985)