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Economic outcomes of colfosceril palmitate rescue therapy in infants weighing 1250g or more with respiratory distress syndrome: results from a randomised trial.

An analysis of the economic data from a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial of colfosceril palmitate in infants with neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) and birthweights of 1250g or more is presented. Two 5 ml/kg (67.5 mg/kg) doses of a synthetic surfactant (colfosceril palmitate) or air placebo were administered to 1237 infants who were receiving mechanical ventilation and had an arterial/alveolar oxygen tension ratio of less than 0.22. In addition to the clinical end-points for safety and efficacy, data were collected on length of hospital stay, days in the neonatal intensive care unit, days on mechanical ventilation, days on oxygen, and hospital charges until the child reached 1-year adjusted age. One-year adjusted age is attained when the time elapsed since birth is equal to 365 days plus the number of days of prematurity. Rescue treatment with synthetic surfactant therapy has been shown to reduce the incidence of complications of NRDS. Growth and development of infants who received colfosceril palmitate therapy in the study and survived to 1-year adjusted age were equivalent to those of the survivors in the air placebo group. For the cohort of treated infants, colfosceril palmitate reduced the average length of stay at 2 levels of care needed during both the initial hospitalisation (a reduction of 8 days overall and 5 days in intensive care) and all first year hospitalisations (a reduction of 9 days overall and 5 days in intensive care). Total hospital charges for the initial hospitalisation and through 1-year adjusted age for a hypothetical cohort of 100 infants treated with colfosceril palmitate were less than those for a comparable cohort in the air placebo group. The results would, therefore, suggest that rescue therapy with colfosceril palmitate in infants with NRDS and birthweights over 1250g can result in substantial reductions in hospital resource utilisation and charges in addition to the clinical benefits associated with its use.[1]


  1. Economic outcomes of colfosceril palmitate rescue therapy in infants weighing 1250g or more with respiratory distress syndrome: results from a randomised trial. Backhouse, M.E., Mauskopf, J.A., Jones, D., Wold, D.E., Schumacher, R., Cotton, R., Long, W.A. PharmacoEconomics. (1994) [Pubmed]
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