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Intensive Care

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Disease relevance of Intensive Care


Psychiatry related information on Intensive Care


High impact information on Intensive Care

  • There was no significant difference between the groups in mortality in the intensive care unit (ICU) (23.5 percent in the ranitidine group and 22.9 percent in the sucralfate group) or the duration of the stay in the ICU (median, nine days in both groups) [11].
  • An aerosol of polymyxin B was administered (2.5 mg per kilogram per day) to the upper airways of 292 patients in a respiratory-surgical intensive-care unit during a seven-month period, in an attempt to prevent Ps. aeruginosa pneumonia [12].
  • Should patients in intensive care units receive erythropoietin [13]?
  • JAMA patient page. Intensive care units [14].
  • We also searched EMBASE, HealthStar (Health Services, Technology, Administration, and Research), and HSRPROJ (Health Services Research Projects in Progress) via Internet Grateful Med and The Cochrane Library and hand searched abstract proceedings from intensive care national scientific meetings (January 1, 1994, through December 31, 2001) [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Intensive Care


Biological context of Intensive Care


Anatomical context of Intensive Care


Associations of Intensive Care with chemical compounds

  • Contaminants were recovered less frequently from peripheral venous infusions (0.6%) than from infusions used for central venous access or hemodynamic monitoring (1.5%) or total parenteral nutrition (3.6%); infusions in an intensive care unit were more frequently contaminated (2.5%) than infusions on medical and surgical wards (0.9%) [31].
  • Two indices of free thyroxine (T4) and four methods of free T4 measurement were compared in 85 patients with acute illness, hospitalized in intensive care units [32].
  • How does blood glucose control with insulin save lives in intensive care [33]?
  • We suggest that propofol infusion at rates higher than 5 mg/kg per h should be discouraged for long-term sedation in the intensive-care unit [16].
  • METHODS: 328 patients admitted to 23 participating intensive-care units (ICUs) were randomly assigned a continuous intravenous infusion of low-dose dopamine (2 microg kg(-1) min(-1)) or placebo administered through a central venous catheter while in the ICU [34].

Gene context of Intensive Care

  • Arterial blood was serially sampled from admission (or at the start of elective operation) to day 13 in the intensive care unit, and the serum concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin (IL)-1 beta, and IL-6 were determined [35].
  • All patients were to be treated to individual maximum tolerance of IL-2 at the intensive care unit level of support [36].
  • Plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations are frequently elevated in patients in intensive care units (ICU) [37].
  • At intensive care admission, serum concentrations of 25(OH)D, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D(3), vitamin D-binding protein, ionized calcium, IL-1, and soluble IL-6-receptor were low, and PTH was normal [38].
  • We investigated the relation between CRP and its cytokine mediators in 64 critically ill patients during their treatment in the intensive-care unit [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Intensive Care


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