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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Promoter activity of the zebrafish bhikhari retroelement requires an intact activin signaling pathway.

We have investigated mesoderm induction in zebrafish employing the zebrafish LTR-retroelement bhikhari ( bik). bik elements are transcribed in all early mesendodermal cells. This expression pattern is generated by a promoter located in the U3 region of the LTR. We show that bik is activated through the activin/Vg1 signaling pathway in an immediate early fashion. This activation critically depends on a sequence motif that occurs among others also in the Xenopus Mix2 activin response element (ARE). It has been shown that the Mix2 ARE binds FAST- 1, which complexes with Smad proteins to form a multi-protein complex. We confirm that also the bik ARE can be bound by FAST-1 in vitro. In animal cap experiments we demonstrate that this binding site is required for activin-induced transcriptional activation mediated by FAST and Smad-type proteins.[1]


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